The Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric celebrated the jubilee of 1000 years since the establishing of the Ohrid Archbishopric
This year, in 2018, 1000 years have been completed since the establishing of the Ohrid Archbishopric in 1018, by the byzantine emperor Basil II the Bulgar Slayer. This significant jubilee is being celebrated by the pan-orthodoxly recognized canonical church in our homeland, the Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric, in several various ways.
The main celebration of the 1000 year jubilee since the establishing of the Ohrid Archbishopric, with ecclesiastical solemnity, took place on September 29 and 30, in the Stavropegic Monastery of St John the Chrysostom in Nizepole, Bitola.
On September 30, Holy Liturgy was served, headed by His Beatitude Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje, with the concelebration of the Hierarchs: Metropolitan Amfilohij of Montenegro and Litoral (Serbian Orthodox Church), Archbishop Avel of Lublin and Chelm (Polish Orthodox Church), Bishop Isaiah of Šumperk (Orthodox Church of the Czech lands and Slovakia), Bishops: Pahomij of Vranje, Teodosije of Raska and Prizren, David of Krusevac, Isihije of Mohac, Metodije of Dioclete (Serbian Orthodox Church), Bishops: Joakim of Polog and Kumanovo and Administrator of Debar and Kicevo, Marko of Bregalnica and Administrator of Bitola, David of Stobi and Administrator of Strumica (Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric), presbyter Spiridon, representative of Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and whole Albania (Orthodox Church of Albania) and numerous clergy from different bishoprics of various topical Churches.
The Liturgical celebration was enriched by the chanting of the renowned chanters from Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria, protopsaltis Nikola Popmihajlov with the “Mojsije Petrovic” choir (Belgrade), protopsaltis Grigorios Papaemanuil with the “Domestiki” choir (Drama) and protopsaltis Nikola Antonov (Sophia).
Also present at the Liturgy was the representative of the Office for relations with the religious communities of the Government of Serbia, Mr Marko Nikolic.
The catholical divine Mystagogy, which is undoubtedly the most proper way to celebrate such a grand jubilee, was preceded by Vespers, served by Archbishop Avel of Lublin and Chelm, with the prayerful presence of several Hierarchs. The Matins was served by Metropolitan Amfilohij of Montenegro and Litoral.
After the Liturgy was served, meal was prepared for the numerous people who were present, which was followed by an appropriate festive program. The program was initiated with an inspiring homily by His Beatitude Archbishop Jovan of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje.
(the homily can be found on the following address: http://poa-info.org/archbishop/homilies/20180928.html)
A lecture by Professor Angeliki Delikari ensued.
(this lecture can be found on the following address: http://poa-info.org/library/churchhistory/20180927.html)
The festive program also included musical interpretations by the abovementioned choirs, as well as a musical performance on traditional instruments, by the “Pece Atanasoski” Orchestra, featuring the vocal section of the same orchestra.