Patriarch of Serbia

P. no. 372

17 May 2004

The Most Holy Patriarchal throne of Pec and Belgrade and we as an Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci and Patriarch of Serbia, with this letter, signed by our own hand and sealed with the patriarchal seal, confirm that the Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric is a canonical Orthodox Church which is autonomously governed on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and that it is in full liturgical communion and canonical unity with all the Orthodox Churches, and its Prelate, His Eminence the Metropolitan of Veles and Povardarje and Exarch of Ohrid kyr kyr John, is in liturgical and canonical unity with our most holy throne and all the other Orthodox Churches.

Given in the Patriarchate in Belgrade, 17 May 2004.

Archbishop of Pec
Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci
Patriarch of Serbia
+ Paul