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The church and the supporting walls ruined The church and the supporting walls ruined The church and the supporting walls ruined

The promises that the president of the Republic of Macedonia, Branko Crvenkovski, gave to the arch-schismatic Stephen, that he “will discipline Vraniskovski” under the condition that the MOC stays away from the organization of the referendum, immediately started to become reality. Today, just before midnight, the state inspection of the Ministry for transport and connections of the Republic of Macedonia, without providing any decree for demolition, heavily secured by the police destroyed the monastery church in the monastery St. John Chrysostom, as well as the supporting walls that hold stable the steep terrain where the monastery is being erected. Shamelessly, the schismatic Metropolitan Peter revealed that he had sent seven requests for the demolition of the church, and, as if in triumph, he said: “the demolition should have happened five months ago”. With no Christian conscience, and not to even mention the virtue of a bishop, the schismatic Peter, after evicting in the middle of the night at mid winter the monks and nuns who joined the Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric, now wants to crush to annihilation the monastics in the vicinity of Bitola. The monks trouble only the infidels, the devil and Peter. How low should a man be to request and triumph over the demolition of churches and monasteries. Even the Muslims fear this, for they know that one day God’s justice will meet them, and only the schismatics show no fear, but they showed their true faces to everyone.

After everything that happened around the Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric in the last two and a half years, there is almost nothing left unsaid. To evict a bishop from his residence, using the force of the police, with no court order, to search the apartments of the Bishops and of the members of the Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric with the help of the police whenever you want to, to try and convict the Bishops for entering a church, to put them in temporary arrest, to try and convict them for spreading religious hatred by officiating in the catacombs where the government forced them, to evict the monks and nuns from their monasteries where in sleepless nights at vigil and in prayer for all the people they built close relations with God, one should really be far away from the centuries-long Christian tradition.

A day before the destruction:

A day before the destruction A day before the destruction

Today, the church and the supporting walls ruined:

The church and the supporting walls ruined The church and the supporting walls ruined

The Republic of Macedonia, which is far from being a legal state, is a country in which the political decisions are above the law. But, if for all this vandalism the state is guilty once, then the schismatic organization that calls itself MOC is guilty at least twice as much. After the inquisition in the Middle Ages distinctive of the Roman-Catholic church, no other area of its functioning was known for the same. Nowadays, in the Republic of Macedonia we see the schismatics having a “holy trial”, that is an inquisition, and the state makes it happen. There was no inquisition in the Orthodox Church, and according to the ecclesiological and canonical organization there cannot be one. This is how one can tell that in fact the schismatics are not a Church. They are a gang gathered for the realization of their personal interests and they will exist until they have an interest for this. It is sad that neither the media, not the people whom they inform can understand this. Can you call a Church the one that destroys temples? If we remember well, even the Turks, who have a different faith, refrained from doing this. And what sort of future can you expect for the people who started destroying churches? This is just the same as if you started destroying your home, even more, as if you started destroying your body, because the temple is the body and soul of the people.

The strength of the Church is in the Spirit Who builds everything anew. Is it the first time in the history of the Church that its temples are being destroyed? Nero, and Diocletian, Julius the Apostate, and Hitler, Stalin, and Tito, and now Branko destroyed temples. Do you think that there is any difference between Hitler and Nero, or between Branko and Stalin? They are destructive men, who destroy, but do not build, who spend, but do not earn, who want to have slaves, and they themselves remain slaves to their passions.

A day before the destruction:

A day before the destruction A day before the destruction

Today, the church and the supporting walls ruined:

The church and the supporting walls ruined The church and the supporting walls ruined

The monastery is being built in a nonurbanized zone, and in its vicinity there are over 50 objects in solid construction and none of these has a building permit. This is not because the people do not wish to legalize their objects, but because, according to the law, you cannot give a building permit for a nourbanized zone. And now, why don’t they demolish all the objects in the vicinity of the monastery, why don’t they destroy all the villages and half of the cities that have been built in a nonurbanized zone?

It is because it is the easiest to handle the bare-handed monks and nuns who have no other weapon than their tears. Let the building inspection try to demolish a shed, not a house in Tetovo or Gostivar. What sort of a president is he, and what sort of state is the one that beats you and doesn’t let you cry?

When churches and monasteries are being destroyed in a country and among one people, then the “abomination that causes desolation” of which the Gospel speaks has arrived. It is difficult to expect anything from that country and from that people. But regardless of the depth of the fall, because of the icon of God which one carries inside one can recognise the individual that has only the mask of a saint, and is wolf at heart. In Bitola Peter has long been recognized as a wolf. The people of Bitola have no respect for him, and they love him even less. His malice and hypocrisy have surpassed all boundaries and now they equal only the ones of the fiend.

It is well known that the Jews made a state out of the Wailing Wall. The Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric today stands before its wailing wall. But it will not build a state out of it, but a Kingdom not of this world. The remnants of the wall that the schismatics with the aid of the state failed to destroy will enter the project of the New Jerusalem which is being built by Christ. For the stones of this wall are carved with the measure of the tower of Erma, they are attached with the tears of purgation, fastened with the joyous sorrow of the martyrdom for the justice of the Lord.

The schism is much worse than heresy. The Heretics are outside from the Church and they are easily recognised, the schismatics destroy from the inside. Only a person who had nothing to do with schismatics has no idea of the sort of people he is dealing with.